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Psychological Evaluations
Psychological Evaluation is a way of testing people about their behavior, personality, and capabilities to draw conclusions using a combination of techniques. This includes:

Psychometric Testing:
Standard and scientific methods used to measure individual’s, mental capability and I.Q.

  • WISC V
  • HFD
  • VMI

Psychological / Personality Testing:
Standard and scientific methods used to measure individual’s, behavior style and personality.

  • MMPI-2RF
  • Vineland II
  • Beck Inventory (Depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and suicide)
  • Child behavior checklist

Psychoeducational Testing:
Analyze the mental process underlying the child’s educational performance.

  • Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale for Parents
  • Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale for Teachers
  • Conner’s Parents Rating Scale
  • Conner’s Teachers Rating Scale

Neurocognitive Testing:
To diagnose cognitive decline (i.e. Dementia and Alzheimer’s)

Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation: including but not limited to

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) for IQ scores
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
  • Anxiety Disorders, and other psychological conditions

*We are NOT able to test for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at this time

Psychological Evaluation for Bariatric Surgery (Self-Pay service ONLY) 

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